“Des fleurs qui ne se taisent pas”
Cervantes Institute Toulouse, France.
Opening march 17th / april, 2020
Cancelled due COVID 19

“Des fleurs qui ne se taisent pas”
Cervantes Institute Toulouse, France.
Opening march 17th / april, 2020
Cancelled due COVID 19
Being already an, albeit young-hearted, adult, I had the good fortune to
discover myself as a creator. It was with great excitement that I took up a
brush, and something magical occurred: it is as if I were the messenger for
something much larger than myself, and I began to create marvels that I
never conceived myself capable of creating.
While I am creating, I feel an excitement so intense that I feel butterflies; it
impassions me, and I wish to never be without it.
I study and go from one studio to another with the hopes of learning,
experimenting, and discovering…time is insufficient! Some time ago I used to
attend literary lectures–my other passion– given by the great Germán
Dehesa, and I began to sense the need to combine both my knowledge and
ability to create.
Ever since I was a child I observed the poor treatment that women in my
surroundings were subjected to. This offended me greatly, yet I repressed my feelings of hopelessness for years…until now. I have become conscious of the
fact that I am a privileged woman in my country, but nonetheless, and
perhaps rendering it thus more important, I feel the need to contribute to the
promotion of awareness towards this situation.
It is without a doubt thanks to painting that I found the way through which
to give voice to the context of violence within many Mexican women are
forced to live. In order to better understand them I studied their cases,
investigated the judicial proceedings, and gathered data. This information
provided me with various narratives that I have transferred to canvas.
Within my work I assume much of the social negligence for having failed to
protect, care for, and aid these women in achieving respect, as well as a better standard of living.
Painting has thus become the medium through which I
may vindicate these women and provide the visibility that they deserve.
This process has motivated me to continue working in a reflexive manner.
Art has become a resource that reverberates my evident discontent with
injustice and the short-term memory of history. Memory, after all, is the most
important resource we have to prevent history from repeating itself.
Georgina Calzada
October 2019
Georgina Calzada
Mexico City, 1959-
Georgina Calzada has constructed her trajectory by investigating the topic of women and migrants, focusing on the importance of human rights and of the “other” as a marginalized person in society, a factor that the artist finds to be of the utmost importance for human relations.
Her current project revolves around Feminicide, one of the greatest tragedies affecting Mexico, and one that has caused the suffering and anonymous death of thousands of women within Mexican borders for over twenty-five years.
Convinced that the only way in which to vindicate the lives of these women is through remembrance, Georgina paints a flower for each murdered woman, utilizing color to illustrate the potential of a lost life. Through this artistic production, the artist seeks to transform the blank stare that we’ve been trained to use towards horror, one that has made us insensitive to the pain of others. A flower expreses the beauty of the human state that has been violently uprooted and whose death has become only a number that we add each day to the flow of our indifference.
Another parallel project, titled Las de la Voz, is one which the artist has been similarly working on for a number of years. It seeks to pay homage to the Mexican women who have dared to speak up on a daily basis, some of whom have reached international notoriety.
2020 October/November
Special Guest in Documentary about Femicide, The great tragedy
Producer Alain Maiki
“Desigualdad en pandemia”
Exposición Internacional Virtual
Respiro luego existo
“Liquid duality “
Exposición Internacional Ríos y Colectivo Puceart
Bordeaux, Francia
2020 Marzo/Abril
“Des fleurs qui ne se taisent pas”
Instituto Cervantes
Toulouse, Francia
2020 Enero/Febrero
“Des fleurs qui ne se taisent pas”
Instituto Cervantes
Bordeaux, Francia
2018, Sept./Oct.
“Flores Mexicanas”
Instituto Cultural Mexicano
Copenhague, Dinamarca
2018 , Agosto
“Flores que no se callan”
Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos
CDMX, México.
2018, Marzo
“Flores Mexicanas”
Instituto Cervantes
Viena, Austria.
2017, Marzo
«Flores marchitas, feminicidio como destino»
Tribunal Federal de Justicia Administrativa
CDMX, México
2016, Noviembre
“Flores marchitas y más”
Galería Casa Europa
San Miguel de Allende, Gto.
2015, Junio
“Withered flowers”
European Development Days 2016
Bruselas, Bélgica.
“Homenaje a Francisco Zenteno Bujáidar”
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
CDMX, México
“Mural de la Hermandad”
Muro fronterizo
Tijuana Baja California, México
Museo Rufino Tamayo
CDMX, México
“L’alose et le huachinango, le art du voyage”
Bordeaux, Francia
«Mexiko Stadt der Hoffnung»
Vienna, Austria.
5th. Painting & media competition
Lessedra Art Gallery
Sofía, Bulgaria.
«Les insumises,
Flora, Tina, Olympe et les autres”
Collectif Memorie:
Puceart Les amis de l’ormee
Bordeaux, Francia
Premio Especial
“Migrantes 5”
Exhibition & competition
Encaustic Artists
Bienal Internacional Virtual
Celaya, Guanajuato.
“Fuego ancestral”
Latinoamérica la que nos une
Exposición Internacional Virtual
ARTAC México
«Cementerio Nacional»
Pieza del Mes de Marzo
Museo Arte Moderno
Edo. de México.
I Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Mención Honorífica
Concurso de Alebrijes Monumentales
Colectivo Las Meches.
Centro Histórico CDMX, México
Concurso Dr. Alfonso Pérez Rojas.
Universidad de Aguascalientes, México.
“Pian.. pianito “
Mención Honorífica
Concurso Nacional Mujeres en el arte
Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres. México
Centro Asturiano de México
«Carmen Aristegui»
Museo de Arte Moderno
Estado de México
«Rosario Ibarra de Piedra»
Instituto de Cultura
Estado de Campeche
«Migrantes II»
Museo del Pueblo de Guanajuato
Guanajuato, México
«Mi ser interno»
Fundación Lolita Rubiales
Minas, Uruguay
Quebec, Canadá
«Litlle boxes»
Un grito contra la violencia hacia las mujeres | |
Nota de prensa | Leer reseña… |
CP Magazine en el mes de Enero 2018 te presenta la entrevista privada de la pintora Georgina Calzada | |
CP Magazine | Leer reseña… |
Georgina Calzada interview, by Sofía Alva. From ‘Cultura Colectiva’ | |
Sofía Alva – Cultura Colectiva | Leer reseña… |
Bertha Taracena | |
Bertha Taracena | Leer reseña… |
Futbol y arte en el D.F. | |
22 de enero de 2010 | Leer reseña… |
Homenaje a la mujer mexicana Arte de Georgina Calzada | |
El Sol de Toluca. 7 de enero de 2010 | Leer reseña… |
Sin Prisas, la propuesta abstracta de la pintora Georgina Calzada | |
La Jornada. lunes 21 de enero de 2008 | Leer reseña… |
Presentando… Sin Prisas | |
Impulso. Domingo 09 de Diciembre de 2007 | Leer reseña… |
Nace FI Diversidad Artística | |
Proceso. 7 de octubre de 2007 | Leer reseña… |
Muestra su obra pictórica | |
A.M. Sábado 2 de julio de 2005, p. 7, Guanajuato, GTO. | Leer reseña… |
Féminas Expo en Arte Moderno | |
Milenio | Leer reseña… |